Welcome Message

Dear ACCM Members, Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the local organising committee, we warmly welcome you to the 6th Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics (ACCM 2023) to be held in Melbourne, Australia from 6-8 December 2023.

The ACCM Conference series has been successfully held every two years since 2013 in Sydney, Brisbane, Geelong, Hobart, and Sydney, respectively. Supported by the Australian Association for Computational Mechanics (AACM), the ACCM Conference has become a flagship activity for the Computational Mechanics Community. Aiming to provide an international forum for promoting, exchanging, and disseminating recent findings on contemporary and wide-ranging topics in Computational Mechanics, we welcome and encourage researchers, industry practitioners, engineers and other professionals in Australia and other countries, especially Early Career Researchers (ECR) and Higher Degree Research Students (HDR) to join us. The endowed Steven Prize will be awarded to the best HDR and ECR papers.

The extended abstracts to be presented at ACCM 2023 will be peer-reviewed by expert reviewers including members of the National Scientific and Local Organising Committees. The topics of these extended abstracts will range from nano- to macro-mechanics of materials, dynamics, sustainable manufacturing, biomechanics, multidisciplinary design and optimisation. The registration fee will be kept low to encourage wide participation as a tradition of the ACCM Conferences. The Conference registration fee also includes two years’ membership of AACM, which also entitles membership of the International Association of Computational Mechanics (IACM).

Finally, we sincerely invite you to participate in the ACCM 2023 and hope you will have a wonderful and richly rewarding conference experience in Melbourne, Australia. We look forward to your participation at this and continued engagement at future ACCM conferences.

Conference Program
  • Plenary Speaker

    Professor Yimin (Mike) Xie

    RMIT University

    Title: Recent research at RMIT Centre for Innovative Structures and Materials

    Bio: Yi Min ‘Mike’ Xie is an Australian Laureate Fellow and a Distinguished Professor of RMIT University where he directs the Centre for Innovative Structures and Materials. He received his bachelor’s degree in engineering mechanics from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1984 and earned his PhD in computational mechanics from Swansea University in the United Kingdom in 1991. He played a key role in developing the widely used evolutionary structural optimisation (ESO) method and the bi-directional evolutionary structural optimisation (BESO) method. Professor Xie was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering in 2011. His research impact in the field of structural optimisation was recognised by the 2017 Clunies Ross Innovation Award and the 2017 AGM Michell Medal. In 2020, he was awarded the Victoria Prize for Science and Innovation. In 2022, he was named the Sir John Holland Civil Engineer of the Year. Professor Xie has published two research monographs and 500 SCI journal articles, which have attracted over 28,000 citations in Google Scholar. His team received the 2020 Digital FUTURES World Coding Award for developing the highly influential topology optimisation software, Ameba.


    Abstract: This talk will present a series of recent projects in the Centre for Innovative Structures and Materials at RMIT University. Much of the research is underpinned by computational mechanics. One particular interest of the research team is to design efficient and elegant structures for architectural applications. This has led to the recent development of a generalised topology optimisation framework by Professor Xie’s team for generating multiple solutions that are structurally efficient but geometrically different. The presentation will also show various practical applications of the computational techniques.

  • Plenary Speaker

    Professor Chongmin Song

    University of New South Wales

    Title: Towards Fully Automated Computational Engineering Analysis in the Digital Age

    Bio: Chongmin Song is a Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of the Centre for Infrastructure Safety and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. He obtained the degree of Bachelor of Engineering from Tsinghua University, China and the degree of Doctor of Engineering from the University of Tokyo, Japan. He is one of the two original creators of the scaled boundary finite element method. His current research interests are on the development of advanced numerical methods and their engineering applications.


    Abstract: The growing availability of affordable computational power has paved the way for the widespread adoption of digital technologies, for example X-ray computed tomography, terrestrial laser scanning, close-range photogrammetry, and 3D printing. However, the unconventional geometric models produced by these technologies pose challenges to the existing computer simulation techniques based on the popular finite element method.

    This talk presents our recent research towards developing a computational framework that fully automates the engineering analysis process directly from commonly used formats of digital geometric models. Our approach is underpinned by the scaled boundary finite element method, which enables us to incorporate an octree algorithm for automatic mesh generation across various formats such as digital images, STL models, point clouds and traditional CAD models. Furthermore, the solution procedure is purposely designed for the scaled boundary finite element method to leverage modern computer hardware architectures for high-performance computing. Numerical examples and demonstrations are shown to illustrate some of the salient features and potentials of the proposed framework for the analysis of complex models.

  • Plenary Speaker

    Professor Yixia (Sarah) Zhang

    Western Sydney University

    Title: Numerical Modelling of High Performance Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites: from Materials to Structures

    Bio: Prof. Yixia (Sarah) Zhang is the Deputy Chair of University Academic Senate, Deputy Director of University Urban Transformations Research Centre, and Discipline Lead of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Western Sydney University. Before moving to WSU in 2019, she worked in the University of New South Wales for 15 years staying 12 years in UNSW Canberra. She received her PhD on Structural Engineering with a focus on Computational Mechanics from the University of Hong Kong in 2001.

    Prof. Zhang is currently the College of Expert member of Australian Research Council (ARC) and Executive Committee member of the Australian Association for Computational Mechanics. Her research focuses on Computational Mechanics, Composite Materials and Structures and advanced manufacturing technology in Civil Engineering and Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering. In Civil Engineering, she works on green and high-performance cementitious composites and structures. In mechanical/aeronautical engineering, she focus on composite materials and structures aiming to enhance the structural integrity, performance and safety. In addition to using the experimental techniques, she also simulate the mechanical behaviour of materials and structural behaviour including under extreme loadings such as impact/blast/fatigue/fire loadings.She has published over 365 peer-reviewed scholarly research papers. She was awarded research grant of over $15 million from various funding schemes including ARC, Defence, industries and government. She was the recipient of the 2022 inaugural Department of Defence, “Brilliant People, and Collaborative Culture Leadership Award”. She was awarded the 2021 WSU Researcher of the Year through Partnership, 2022 WSU Researcher of the Year-Highly Commended, and the School Researcher of the Year in 2021 and 2022.


    Abstract: High performance fibre reinforced cementitious composites (HPFRCC) exhibit superior mechanical properties such as high strength, excellent strain-hardening behaviour, improved crack-resistance and energy absorption capability. The employment of short fibre is the main contributor to the high performance in mechanical properties, which can be tailored to suit for the purpose of the structural application via effective mix design. The use of HPFRCC, including in strategic important infrastructures, could enhance the structural integrity, durability and infrastructure resilience especially when subjected to extreme loadings such as impact and blast. This presentation will introduce the numerical modelling framework developed in Prof. Zhang’s team for multiscale numerical modelling of the mechanical properties of HPFRCC and for simulation of the structural performance of HPFRCC panels under blast loading. Experimental studies will also be introduced briefly which have been used to validate the numerical modelling methods and framework. 

  • Plenary Speaker

    Professor Michael Yu Wang

    Monash University

    Title: Lightweight, stiff, and strong shell lattices: design and metal additive manufacturing

    Bio: Michael Y. Wang is the Professor and Head of Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Monash University. He has numerous professional honors–National Science Foundation Research Initiation Award; Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award from Society of Automotive Engineers; LaRoux K. Gillespie Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award from Society of Manufacturing Engineers; Boeing–A.D. Welliver Faculty Summer Fellow, Boeing; Chang Jiang (Cheung Kong) Scholars Award from the Ministry of Education of China and Li Ka Shing Foundation (Hong Kong); Research Excellence Award of CUHK. He was the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering. His main research interests are in robotic manipulation, learning and autonomous systems, manufacturing automation, and additive manufacturing.

    Before joining Monash University in 2022, he was the Founding Director of the Cheng Kar-Shun Robotics Institute, the Director of HKUST-BRIGHT DREAM ROBOTICS Joint Research Institute, and a Chair Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering as well as Electronic and Computer Engineering of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Previously, he also served on the engineering faculty at University of Maryland, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and National University of Singapore. A recipient of ASME Design Automation Award, Professor Wang is a fellow of ASME and IEEE.


    Abstract: Shell lattices are a class of artificial periodic structures composed of smooth, non-intersecting and periodic thin shells. Shell lattices generally outperform truss lattices and stochastic foams in stiffness and strength at equal relative densities. The open-cell property promotes the fabrication of shell lattices through easier removal of residual resins or metal powders in additive manufacturing (AM) processes and facilitates their applications in areas where heat and mass transfer are in huge demand. This presentation focuses on the design, simulation, metal AM and experimental tests of lightweight, stiff, and strong shell lattices. First, we present six types of elastically isotropic variable thickness triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) shell lattices and two families of uniform thickness shape-optimized shell lattices with isotropic elasticity, in which the highest achievable Young’s and bulk moduli reach nearly 60% and 97% of the Hashin-Shtrikman upper bounds at 10% relative density. Through numerical simulations and experimental tests, TPMS shell lattices are shown to outperform truss lattices in stiffness, plateau stress, and energy absorption capacity significantly, thereby making them ideal candidates for lightweight structural applications. Next, the metal AM fabrication defects, including constitutive material anisotropy and geometric defects (thickness variation, holes, surface waviness and roughness), are precisely calibrated and then incorporated into numerical simulations to predict the mechanical properties of shell lattices more accurately. The as-calibrated material anisotropy is further incorporated into the variable thickness design of elastically isotropic shell lattices to achieve a better match between the numerical and experimental results. In essence, we deploy topology optimization tools for the design of graded shell lattice structures with optimized meso-/macro- structures for lightweight large-scale applications of shell lattices.

  • Plenary Speaker

    Professor Bernard Rolfe

    Deakin University

    Title: The future of smooth topological design when using non-penalization SEMDOT

    Bio: Prof Bernard Rolfe is the Associate Dean, Research for the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment (SEBE). SEBE has over 400 academic staff, 600 PhD students, and more than $24M per annum in external research income.  Bernard aims to improve research quality and capacity, while also overseeing research policy and procedures.  He aspires to make SEBE a great place to do research.

    Bernard is an innovator in materials and manufacturing and an influencer in mobility engineering. He is a Director on the Board of the Society of Automotive Engineers – Australasia. Bernard’s substantive position is as a Professor of Advanced Manufacturing in the School of Engineering at Deakin University. His qualifications include a combined Economics and Engineering degree with honours in 1995 from the Australian National University (ANU). After completing his bachelor's degrees, he initially embarked on a career in business and technology consulting with Andersen Consulting before returning to the ANU to complete a PhD in Advanced Manufacturing (2002). He joined Deakin as post-doctoral fellow in 2002 and then became a lecturer in 2005. Bernard’s research group has spent the past two decades working on the use of advanced metals in sheet forming primarily for the automotive sector.


    Abstract: This plenary talk will take the audience through the non-penalization Smooth-Edged Material Distribution for Optimising Topology (SEMDOT) algorithm, which is an extension of the original SEMDOT method.  Non-penalization SEMDOT is an elemental volume fraction-based topology optimization method, except that it adopts discrete variable sensitivities for solid, void, and assumed boundary elements instead of the continuous variable sensitivities used in the original penalization-based SEMDOT. In the non-penalized SEMDOT algorithm, the material penalization scheme is eliminated. The talk will show that the algorithm is efficient and effective when used on topology optimization problems.  We will show three case studies involving: compliance minimization, compliant mechanism design, and heat conduction problems.

    The proposed non-penalized SEMDOT algorithm allows designers to directly obtain the smooth surfaces without needing post-processing methods.  Moreover, there is much potential in non-penalized SEMDOT because non-penalization enables direct comparison of multiple materials in the topology system using “physical properties”. This is because the properties are no longer distorted by penalization. The final segment of the talk discusses the bright future and potential applications of non-penalization SEMDOT.

Registration: 6-December

  • 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Conference Registration - AGSE Foyer

Day 1: 7-December

  • Time: 8:30am
    Registration - AGSE Foyer
  • Time: 9:00am - 9:40am
    Conference Opening and Welcome - AGSE202
  • Time: 9:40am - 10:10am
    Plenary Lecture 1 - AGSE202
  • Time: 10:10am - 10:40am
    Plenary Lecture 2 - AGSE202
  • Time: 10:40am - 11:10am
    Morning Tea - AGSE Foyer
  • Time: 11:10am - 12:40pm
    Parallel Sessions - AGSE108-110, 202
  • Time: 12:40pm - 1:40pm
    Lunch - AGSE Foyer
  • Time: 1:40pm - 2:10pm
    Plenary Lecture 3 - AGSE202
  • Time: 2:20pm - 3:50pm
    Parallel Sessions - AGSE108-110, 202
  • Time: 3:50pm - 4:20pm
    Afternoon Tea - AGSE Foyer
  • Time: 4:20pm - 5:50pm
    Parallel Sessions - AGSE108-110, 202

Day 2: 8-December

  • Time: 9:00am - 9:30am
    Plenary Lecture - AGSE202
  • Time: 9:40am - 11:00am
    Parallel Sessions - AGSE108-110, 202
  • Time: 11:00am - 11:30am
    Morning Tea - AGSE Foyer
  • Time: 11:30am - 12:50pm
    Parallel Sessions - AGSE108-110, 202
  • Time: 12:50pm - 1:50pm
    Lunch - AGSE Foyer
  • Time: 1:50pm - 2:20pm
    Plenary Lecture - AGSE202
  • Time: 2:30am - 3:50pm
    Parallel Sessions - AGSE108-110, 202
  • Time: 3:50pm - 4:20pm
    Afternoon Tea - AGSE Foyer
  • Time: 4:20pm - 4:40pm
    Invited Talk - AGSE202
  • Time: 4:40pm - 5:30pm
    Closing Ceremony- AGSE202
Call for Abstracts and Important Dates

The conference is intended to cover all aspects of computational mechanics in all disciplines of engineering and physics. Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of topics related to this conference. Refer to the extended abstract template for download upon acceptance into the program. Please try other browsers (e.g. Microsoft Edge) if it fails to download the file.

Important Dates
  • Extended abstracts submission open: Monday 3 July 2023
  • Abstracts submission deadline: Friday15 September 2023 (Updated: The submission deadline has been extended to 30 September 2023)
  • Notification of acceptance for abstracts: Friday 1 September 2023
  • Registration open: Friday 1 September 2023
  • Early-bird registration deadline: Sunday 15 October 2023
  • Late registration deadline: Wednesday 15 November 2023
The authors of the selected extended abstracts will be invited to submit full papers to the Engineering Structures.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
  • Computational biomechanics
  • Computational dynamics of structures
  • Computational fluid dynamics
  • Computational geomechanics
  • Computational materials
  • Computational methods
  • Computational aspects of manufacturing
  • Computational aspects of damage and failure mechanics
  • Modelling and simulation of composite structures
  • Multidisciplinary design and optimisation
Abstract Submission

The registration rates are decided in considering the following information
1. to keep a low registration rate; and
2. to make the conference financially healthy and sustainable.

Author registrations that are completed after the Early-Bird Registration Deadline may not be included in the Conference Proceedings. Attendees are encouraged to register as early as possible.

Please be reminded that the publication cost for one paper per presenter is included in the registration. If you have submitted more than one paper you will need to nominate at a later date which one is published. If you have co-authors then please ensure that sufficient are registered so that the above choice does not have to be made.

Each delegate may present and publish one paper.

Register Now
Registration Type Early Bird Registration Standard Registration
Full Delegate Registration (including conference dinner) $550 AUD (before 15 Oct.) $650 AUD
Student (NOT including conference dinner) $350 AUD (before 15 Oct.) $450 AUD
Presenting One Extra Paper $150 AUD $150 AUD
Extra Conference Dinner Guest Ticket $150 AUD $150 AUD
Sponsorships are open for local, national and international organisations. The sponsors will be provided with a space for a stand outside the conference areas
  • 1. Gold (AUD5000): Benefits include: company logo at the conference website; company website link; logo on printed items; two full registrations including conference dinner; exhibition space.
  • 2. Silver (AUD2000) Benefits include: company logo at the conference website; company website link; logo on printed items; one full registration including conference dinner; exhibition space.
  • 3. Bronze (AUD1000): Benefits include: Company logo at the conference website; logo on printed items; one conference dinner.
  • 4. Steel (AUD500): Benefits include: logo on printed items.

Gold Sponsors:

download (3)                                           download (2)

Silver Sponsors:

download (4)                               LEAP square with Ansys Certified Elite Channel Partner Horiz - Large                       download

Joint                                    prometech


Venue and Photo Gallery
The conference will be hosted in the Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship (AGSE) at the Hawthorn Campus of Swinburne University of Technology.
Introduction to Swinburne University of Technology:

Swinburne University of Technology is a world-class university creating social and economic impacts through science, technology and innovation. Founded in 1908 by the Honourable George and Ethel Swinburne as the ‘Eastern Suburbs Technical College’, Swinburne has continued to evolve, gaining university status in 1992.

Swinburne has three campuses located in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne — at Hawthorn, Croydon and Wantirna — offering tertiary education for higher education as well as Pathways and Vocational Education (PAVE). We also have a fourth campus in Sarawak, Malaysia. The National Institute of Circus Arts is located in Prahran, Melbourne and we also offer a range of qualifications online through Swinburne Online and Open Universities Australia. In 2019, we unveiled new locations in Sydney and Vietnam, each offering a small suite of sought-after Swinburne courses, and also opened an office in Nanjing, China — further connecting us to some of the fast-growing regions in the world.

As a dual-sector university, Swinburne offers higher education and Pathways and Vocational Education (PAVE). We offer courses in a broad range of disciplines and our close ties with industry provide students with opportunities for valuable workplace experiences during their studies.

Swinburne researchers have a reputation for high-quality research with particular strengths in astronomy, physics, engineering, materials science, computer science and information technology, design and innovation, health sciences, neurosciences and mental health. Underpinned by leading digital technology platforms, our researchers are collaborating with industry through embedded partnerships to drive innovation and create impact.

Conference Rooms
  • AGSE202 Lecture Theatre

  • BA201 Lecture Theatre

  • AGSE109 Functional Room

Selection of event photos

The photos are selected and compressed for displaying on the web page. All photos with lossless quality can be downloade from the cloud drives: Drive1 and Drive2

group photo-min






Corporate living (Hawthorn) can be booked via the following link:


Please apply the promote code 'SWIN' to receive a discount while checkout.

  • Hawthorn Campus of Swinburne

  • Suggested hotels

  • *

Local Organising Committee
  • Conference Chair: Xiaodong Huang, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
  • Co-chairs: Dong (Tracy) Ruan, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia; Shiwei Zhou, RMIT University, Australia
  • Secretary: Weibai Li, Kwong Ming Tse, Shanqing Xu and Fukun Xia
  • For any enquiries, please contact us via email: accm2023@swin.edu.au
Advisory committee
Given Names Surname University
Andrew Chan University of Tasmania
Yuantong Gu Queensland University of Technology
Nasser Khalili University of New South Wales
Qing Li The University of Sydney
Bernard Rolfe Deakin University
Adrian Russell University of New South Wales
Daichao Sheng University of Techonology Sydney
Chongmin Song University of New South Wales
Grant Steven The University of Sydney
Mike Xie RMIT University
Sarah Zhang Western Sydney University
Scientific Committee

Also available: Scientific Committee (WORD 15.1 KB)

Given Names Surname University
Ha Bui Monash University
Wensu Chen Curtin University
Raj Das RMIT University
Wenhui Duan Monash University
Jianguang Fang University of Technology Sydney
Wei Gao University of New South Wales
Kazem Ghabraie Deakin University
Hong Guan Griffith University
Amin Heidarpour Monash University
Zhengyi Jiang University of Wollongong
Chiking Lee University of New South Wales
Chin Leo Western Sydney University
Justin Leontini Swinburne University of Technology
Jianchun Li University of Technology Sydney
Weibai Li Swinburne University of Technology
Weihua Li University of Wollongong
Qingquan Liang Victoria University
Lily Li Swinburne University of Technology
Wenxian Lin James Cook University
Xiaoshan Lin RMIT University
Jeffrey Loughran James Cook University
Guoxing Lu Swinburne University of Technology
Zhen Luo University of Technology Sydney
Jun Ma University of South Australia
Tuan Ngo University of Melbourne
Giang D. Nguyen The University of Adelaide
Joe Petrolito La Trobe University
Peter Pivonka Queensland University of Technology
Ganga Prusty University of New South Wales
Gianluca Ranzi University of Sydney
Suvash Saha University of Technology Sydney
Jay Sanjayan Swinburne University of Technology
Emilie Saure Queensland University of Technology
Itsu Sen Macquarie University
Luming Shen University of Sydney
Yunlong Tang Monash University
Klaus Thoeni The University of Newcastle
Liyong Tong University of Sydney
Martin Veidt University of Queensland
Zhongzheng Wang Queensland University of Technology
Chengqing Wu University of Technology Sydney
Wenyi Yan Monash University
Jie Yang RMIT University
Richard Yang Western Sydney University
Yang Xiang Western Sydney University
Xiaobo Yu Defence Science and Technology
Leo Zhang Western Sydney University
Lihai Zhang University of Melbourne
Yingyan Zhang RMIT University